Thursday, September 3, 2009


I worked this morning and learned breakfast.  I had grill duty and learned that almost nothing is actually made.  That almost all of it is reheated.  The eggs for the Egg McMuffins are actually cracked, but other than that, it is a reheat of precooked food (such as pancakes, the folded eggs for the biscuits, the sausage patties, etc) or it is an imitation product such as the eggs substitute that it poured for the scrambled eggs for the big breakfasts.  I did learn a lot, though and also did about half an hour of lunch and finally learned all about the burgers, chickens, and fry products.

The cows are still with us and I have the promised pictures.  The other animals are still not sure of them, but we did discover that they can indeed fit through the gate that divides the yard.  So, they have access to water.





Hopefully, we can do something about all the flies they brought with them.


Michelle said...

Kim, did you hear about this news story about the baby chicks ground up alive? I am sickened. I am in no way a vegan, nor do I want to be, but to know for sure that something like that is taking place, and that it isn't being exaggerated and to SEE it, was disturbing. is the site with the video and info on it. So tell me, how do I go about finding LOCAL food supplies where I can be sure that animals are treated properly? I am curious.

Michelle said...

Kim, I also thought of you when I read this.

Mrs. Hoppes said...

Downtown Farmer's Market has local farmers and not just produce, but meat and eggs as well. It is an open air market atmosphere and you can meet the farmers. I will make a blog post about other places locall as well as where and how to find local sources for food.

As for No Impact Man, I used to read his blog, but his posts would get loooong. He has a lot of really good ideas in his blog about how to reduce our impact on the environment.