Sunday, April 10, 2011

Band of Brothers

I just got done with the series Band of Brothers.  For those not familiar with the series, it follows Easy Company from training to the end of World War II.  It is a very true life account and has multiple interviews with the still surviving (and a few who have since passed) vets that went through the horrors of war.  D-Day, Market Place, Battle of the Bulge, and on and on and on.  They had the highest casualty rate of any company.  They also had the toughest of any company.  The toughest men and the toughest situation in the war. 

As they were fighting, they knew nothing about what they were fighting for in Europe.  They knew they were at war with Japan yet they were in Europe.  They knew they were fighting the Germans and Germans were bad.  (It says so in the newspaper.)

In Episode 9 (there were 10 episodes) they find a concentration camp.  The translator (and after having been in Europe for several years and never seeing home you get pretty good at German) finds out that this concentration and the prisoners there are not criminals.  They are Jewish. 

Supposedly, during WWII, when faced with budget cuts to the arts and humanities in order to fund Churchill responded "Then what are we fighting for?"

Someone quoted this in response to an interview with the possibility of budget cuts to places like National Endowment for the Arts and other such institutions.

First of all, if Churchill really did say that, he's an idiot.  Second of all, comparing cutting budgets today to try to balance a multitrillion dollar deficit to WWII is idiotic at best.  Because we all know that this:

is just so comparable to

What is more important for today?  Saving someone's embroidery or saving our future generations from a financially bankrupt nation?

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