Friday, December 10, 2010

Is she here yet?

Mandie is having stronger contractions that are getting closer together.  We will hopefully be having a baby soon.  If not, I will crawl up in there and pull the baby out.  I've decided that being the non-laboring mom is more time exhausting than being the laboring mom.  But, if I am wanting to be a midwife in a few years I need to get used to this.  Might as well practice on my best friend.  (I am NOT delivering this baby.  Just for the record.  She has a midwife.)

Our computer apparently has a virus of some kind.  Husband has been working on it most of the day.  He is currently on his way here to the Birthing Place (Mandie's house) to act as husband doula for Rick.  Rick is having his own issues dealing with Mandie giving birth and it is not surprising given what he has been through.  But, fear over-rode pride when he decided he needed Husband there to help him.  Husband has been through births before with two of them being homebirths.  So, he will be here shortly to hold Rick's hand in a manner of speaking. 

I will update as I can through the night both here and on facebook.

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