Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why is it?

Why is it that when I go to do a detailed cleaning and rearranging, everything becomes messier? How is that fair? I did a bit of rearranging in the living room and got some stuff moved around and sorted and cleaned. And now, I have piles of stuff to go through to figure out where to put. It is way too late to deal with that now. I am hoping that by tomorrow it will be finished. That way, I can shift my focus to something else. I did mention yesterday that I am having a bit of restlessness, right?
The children had piano today and apparently Charlie is losing interest. I asked him about it and the only reason he still wants to go is with the hope of playing with MK. I told him that that was not an option. That if he wants to play with MK, we can all get together another time. Piano lesson time is for practicing and learning the piano. We are going to finish out the month and see what happens from there.
Husband finally got his license renewed. He had to have a doctor's note because of the seizures and it is also on his license. Last time he had his license renewed, this was not a requirement. The notation on the license is not a requirement, but the letter from the doctor now is. I am thankful that is finally taken care of.
Husband also had a VA appointment today. I did not go with him since the children had piano lessons. He is getting a new insulin to work in conjunction with the current. The new stuff they are sending is taken as a PRN and is a fast acting. So when his sugar is over 195, he takes it. While I know it is necessary, I am taking it as a personal failure. I know logically that it makes so sense and that this is not something I had control over. I know with time we can get back to where we were with him just being on pills and working towards diet controlled, but this is a step in the wrong direction.
Anyway, before I start kicking myself even more, I am going to finish up here. Tomorrow, finish the living room and start (again) on the kitchen. Husband is going with a friend of ours to Peachy's to pick up bulk oats. After that, who knows. My goal is living room and kitchen.

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