Monday, December 21, 2009

Will I or won't I?

That is the big question. I have stayed on plan. I have not eaten any cookies. I have kept track of my points. But, I don't think I will make my four pound loss goal tomorrow night. Call it Aunt Flo. Call it my "friend." Call it my visitor from out of town. Call it what you will. This evening I saw the tell tale pink tinges of the start of my period. NOT FAIR! I don't think I will make it tomorrow. Maybe a two pound loss, but not a four.
I went through the children's clothes today. Charlie lost a bunch of clothes including a few suits because the little stinker insists on growing like an ornery weed. Hannah lost a good portion of her wardrobe as well. Bethany, not so much. All of the girls' short-sleeved shirts have been placed in the basement closet. Charlie got all of his dresser drawers cleaned out and he helped label them to keep them organized. I got tired of "I have no more black socks" only to have me go up there, open a drawer, pick up a sweatshirt, and pull out two black socks. So hopefully the labels will help him keep his clothes organized.
Tomorrow, I work and will be bringing cookies in with me. Sadly, they will not be in an edible cookie bowl. I did not have good luck. Although I have a pretty good idea of where I went wrong, it is still annoying to know that every bowl broke when trying to remove it from the mold. According to the children, the chocolate cookies tasted good. They tasted so good that Bethany smuggled some up to her room and put them in her pillowcase to snack on later.
The children have a make-up piano lesson tomorrow and hopefully Charlie will remember the church hymnal so he can start working on the song again. He did very well with the two Christmas songs (with the exception of the timing, but he was nervous) and had fun playing for people. He wants to learn the church songs and I want to encourage that desire.
I am going to head to bed since I have to get up early.

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