Friday, August 19, 2011

Long Week and Long Weekend

This has been a long, busy week.  Calls on Monday, a call on Tuesday, trying to get work done at the program on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, followed by my final exam on Thursday night and receiving my certification and getting certified with a glucometer and a glucogon injection.  Very specified training with the injection and very specific instructions that include calling the medical director personally before administering it.  It is optional to carry it in our bag and I am going back and forth on it.  In the end, I probably will because I know the population spread here and response time with EMTs.  (Although I must say I am impressed with how fast Air Evac is.)

Tomorrow and Sunday, we are going to be at Oldies in the Ozarks working with the fire department.  The children are going to be with us and having fun.  We will have to explain to them that "No, Mommy and Daddy were not alive in the 50s.  We are not that old."  I get out of the whole 50s costume that others are going to wear under the guise of "Oh, gee.  I'm sorry.  I have to wear my Fire Rescue t-shirt.  Gee, darn."

I am going to make sure we have plenty of water since it is supposed to be over 100*.  We are going to toss a mattress on the bed of the pickup and bring our canopy to go over it.  That way, there is guaranteed shade and a comfortable place to lay down. 

Although our primary public will be assisting with the fire department booth (shooting for bragging) the secondary will be keeping an eye out making sure people don't get sick in the heat.

I plan on having fun this week-end and introducing my children to the 50s era.


Addicted to crafting said...

I'll be thinking of you for your final exam but I know you'll do good. With George's diabetes you have knowledge about glucometer and being certified and being able to carry it will allow you to save more lifes. I do believe that this certification is really important, not only for you but for everywhere you'll live and the people there and you are very generous to do it.

I believe it is a volunteer job? Is it or am I mistaken?

Take care of yourself and of your family with the heat. Enjoy the day!!

Mrs. Hoppes said...

Yes, it is volunteer. I was joking around with an EMT about me finally being certified and I followed it up with "Or is that certifiable?" She laughed and said "My instructor said that anyone who does this job has to be a little bit nuts."