Thursday, August 12, 2010

No wonder!

I now know why I feel so crowded here.  It is noisy in this town and there are people everywhere.  I looked on city data to get population numbers and look at this.

Indiana:  County population in July 2009: 105,967

The two counties we straddle:
Missouri:  County population in July 2009: 9,315
Arkansas:  County population in July 2009: 16,594

The land area is amazing as well.  Vigo county Indiana has a land area of 403 square miles.  Missouri:  742.  Arkansas:  598.  More land and less people makes for a more peaceful existence. 

I am going to be taking the children in half an hour to Little Caesars for a get together with friends that I haven't seen in forever and I am really looking forward to it.

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