Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Or, maybe I should say cold. As in the procedure was very cold and rather uncomfortable. He kept the probe against the cervix for a solid four minutes with it blasting liquid nitrogen the whole time.
When it was done and I was checking out, my face got bright red and was radiating heat. Apparently, that is a side effect of the procedure. We went to Valley Grill for coffee on the way home and I was having sharp pain and cramping. Guess it started working right away.
When we got home, I went to lay down and I basically passed out for three hours. When I woke up, I felt guilty. I was also thankful that I had forethought to put dinner in the crock pot this morning. (Which reminds me. I need to pull out tomorrow night's dinner.
I did get some stuff done when I woke up. I got the fridge cleaned and turned on since it is starting to get too warm to continue using the garage. I checked on Brightspot to see how she is. I did a vaginal exam on her this morning and she is dilating, but there is still no baby. Frenchie is also going to kid any day now. Her tail is separated, her vulva is protruding, and her tendons are gone.
I am looking forward to a normal life.

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