Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Special Treat

I am in bed watching "Criminal Minds" and blogging and have a full belly and a quiet house. This in and of itself is not what is special. The specialness is the reason for the quiet.

Tonight, we were supposed to go out for steak dinner taking my SIL with us. She had other plans. "Instead of all of us going out, how about if I watch the children while you and George go out for dinner."

Now, I love my SIL dearly and would never want to hurt her feelings, so instead of denying her the chance to spend time with her nieces and nephew, I decided to generously and graciously accept her offer and sacrifice an evening of bickering, snuggling, hugs, and fights so that she can enjoy such an atmosphere in her own home.

We went to Outback and had a Bloomin' Onion, Aussie Fries, salad, steak and potato. I was full before the salad came. We went over to Gander Mountain to look at guns we can't afford, checked out heaters, and came home.

We came home and checked on Flora. No baby yet. I threw a load of laundry in and it looks like children or no children around, things are still the same.

We will be picking them up tomorrow after we go see MIL. Then, piano lessons, then home.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice night out!

Tina Michelle said...

Wow, how fun!! I get one of those fancy marriage dates in the end of February. Yes, we have to plan our that far in advance. I am dripping with anticipation!

I hope the kids had fun with their Aunt!