Sunday, August 22, 2010

Not Dead

There are those who think that when I miss a day blogging then something horrible happened.  Rest assured, I am alive and well.  So is everyone else.

Yesterday, we had a pay it forward kind of day.  There was a gentleman who had broken down who was trying to tow a vehicle to a junk yard for scrap money.  The place closed at noon and he was trying to get there before they closed.  So, we went. transferred the car he was towing to our truck, took him there (it was over an hour away) and waited around while he took care of business.  We took him to his truck, poured just about every bit of water we had into his truck, followed him to drop it off, then took him to the other place he needed to go to get his car so he could get home to his family. 

Yesterday late afternoon, we went swimming.  With the life jacket, Bethany is able to swim out over her head and is grasping the concept of paddling and kicking.  She has taken to swimming like a fish to water.  On the ground under the water, Husband found a pair of goggles.  We gave them to Bethany since she has taken to swimming and needs no encouragement to get out over her head and swim.  Hannah is still needing to hold on and that is understandable since she is only three.  Charlie is still absolutely terrified and freaks out when he gets over his head and he is not grabbing onto one of us.  Even when we tell him "You're swimming" he is still freaked.  He is going to need to get over this if he wants to get in the boat.  You can't swim, you don't get in the boat.  Life jacket or not.  (And yes, life jackets will be worn by all children.)

We get home and as I am trying to make supper, Husband has a pretty good seizure along with chest pains going down his left arm.  He laid down and was asleep for several hours.  He woke up in time for the children to go to bed.

Today, I go into town to get ice and run into Bethany's spinning teacher.  She and her husband gave me their cell number so I can call them and they can watch the children in an emergency if need be.  Husband is still a bit weak today, but he did make pancakes this  morning and cooked the meatloaf patties for tonight. 

We finally figured out what to do about the "R situation."  She can stay for one year then she has to move on.  No option to buy anything.  And we will have this written up and she will have to sign.  Refusal to sign means she has to immediately vacate the premises.  We are not going to get into any kind of crap with her.  Especially not after her trying to get us to put our name and social security number on some logging business she wants to start.  We turned her down and it was right after that that she wanted to buy five acres from us.  We invited her out here on a temporary basis so she could heal emotionally and spiritually.  Not so she could pull us into her stuff.  We have not charged her a dime and don't plan to. 

I still care about her and wish nothing but the best for her, but claiming a need for a place of solitude (which we have) so she can do some healing (which we can and have provided) then continuing in activities that are non-conducive to healing makes one go "hmmm."

So, I will type something up, have it printed out, and have her sign it.  With witnesses.

Tonight, we had a yummy dinner.  We had meatloaf patties (which tasted delicious) mashed potatoes and hubbard squash.  The only thing missing was butter.  I've had this squash for a while now and just haven't had a chance to cook it.  Well, now I finally did and I am thankful. 

Tomorrow is Bethany's spinning lesson after two weeks of missing and she is excited.  Charlie starts cub scouts on September 7 and he is looking forward to that.  I am seeing a lot of driving in my future.  I am also going to talk with Husband about next year or the year after becoming a scout leader.  There is a need in this area for leaders.  Moms have been getting recruited.  None of the dads have been able to step up even if they wanted to. 


Anonymous said...

Maybe his fear of being underwater and drowning is greater than anyone saying not to be afraidcan overcome at this point. I think sometimes his personality is to just gives up and accept the what must come. For him, it could be with additional support, encouragement and taking smaller steps in shallower water and working up to the deeper water might help. Bethany is more like me as a kid (er I was actually a combination of Hannah and Bethany) and Charlie is more like George or Scott.

Auntie Barb said...

Like Bethany I wasn't too afraid of anything (gathering snakes as we walked along the inner-urban rail lines) and like Bethany it was funny to tease. That little bugger has the MOST infectious laugh. Even when you know she is being ornery her laugh just makes you laugh as well. "There was a little girl, who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead and when she was good she was very very good, and when she was bad (or mad) she was horrid".

Auntie Barb said...

Yipee! finally figured how to get published on this dadgum thing without having to go anonymous.