Tuesday, August 31, 2010

At least wagon wheels don't go flat

I've been driving around with the van on a spare tire for a month or more now.  I know, I know.  Dumb of me.  The ironic thing it, I was going to get the stupid thing taken care of tomorrow.  Well, now I have no choice.

I'm driving home with a bunch of groceries in the back of the van.  Children are in their seats.  Husband is looking up something on the laptop.  We're discussing tomorrow's plans (including the tire) when it happens.  The steering wheel does that shaking.  I pull off at the first available place (next to a bunch of rolls of hay) and we get out.  It's flat and wires are showing where the tread is gone.

I call a couple of people and Z, the person we helped last week (was it only last week?) with his vehicle happened to be heading in our direction anyway so he came and picked up Husband and took him home so he could get the truck, come back, and transfer everything over.

Other than the tire, today has been a very productive day.  We found a second discount grocery store where we got another six bags of groceries for $35.  (I don't have room for all the groceries so some of them are going to have to stay in boxes until we get shelves and cabinets.)  On the way to Springfield, we found a solar/wind place that has better prices on wind turbines with twice the power.  Plus, it gives us a face to talk to should something come up.  And, it keeps it local.  Which means I don't have to deal with internet ordering.  Having things delivered here is often an amusing situation.  With automated systems, they don't recognize this place, yet if we try to have something delivered in town, their system "knows" that it is not a residence or at least not our residence so it is also "invalid."  We have to talk with a live person to basically over-ride the system.  Yet, all the Fed-Ex and UPS drivers know that most residential deliveries go to either the paper, the hardware store, or the grocery store.  They can not deliver to PO boxes and post offices will refuse delivery because they view it as their "competition."  (Postmaster's word.)

Anyway, all of that to say YAY!  A local place for a wind turbine!  Plus, he also has 12v refrigerators for a fraction of the price of any propane I have found.  So, other than the tire, I'm happy.

I am going to head to bed now.  Right after I remind the children that it is past their bed time and to quit coming down asking what time it is, can they have some water, they have to go potty, is there a spinning lesson tomorrow, can I sleep with the kitty, there's a fly buzzing me, and any one of a number of other excuses for not going to sleep when they should.  Gah!  Typical children!  How dare they be normal!



♥'s books said...

new layout and look!! :) glad you had someone to call about your tire situation. For some reason this has been the summer for people to have car problems in the middle of nowhere. A friend of ours was just driving across country to move to be with his girlfriend. 10 hours from her place, his engine blew. She drove to get him and his stuff. As soon as she got there, her car blew. I told my husband I didn't think their relationship was meant to be LOL

George said...

LOL ok that is funny. Sometimes we just don't see things like a blown motort as a sign from God. Or for that matter that God used inanimate objects to control our lives and or relationships that much.